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The Cats That Keep me Sober

An Introduction to my Cats


My husband and I own four cats: Clementine, Artemis, Nymeria and Fugazi. Clementine (top left) and Artemis (top right) are both three years old and are true sisters from the same litter. Clementine we adopted as a kitten as a present for me on my birthday and Artemis was adopted a month later as a companion for Clementine so that she wouldn't be alone when we were both at work. 

Nymeria (bottom left), two years old, we adopted as a kitten unintentionally when we visited the pet shop one night and I asked to hold her and she fell asleep in my arms. Clementine did not naturally take to Nymeria but Artemis automatically became a mother cat to her and Nymeria was never afraid to cuddle with them and asserted herself into their bond. 

Fugazi (bottom right), one year old, was my surprise. It was a joke between Mike and I about getting a fourth cat and one day I was at home and Mike called me to come downstairs and bring a box. I asked why and then all of a sudden I heard a little meow in the background and I knew right away that he had a kitten with him. He said he got him because a little girl made him feel guilty that he was the only kitten that had not been adopted yet but I'm so glad that she did make him feel guilty because Fugazi definitely is a mama's boy and no matter how bad he is, his sweetness always makes up for it.

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